Snap clip assortment, hsca5a, assorted styles silverttone snap clips, assortments vary per dozen,. 2 inch. They are carded 2 per card. There are 12 cards per unit (you receive 1 unit for $6.00. You actually receive 24 snap clips)
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Snap clip assortment, hsca5a, assorted styles silverttone snap clips, assortments vary per dozen,. 2 inch. They are carded 2 per card. There are 12 cards per unit (you receive 1 unit for $6.00. You actually receive 24 snap clips)
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Snap clip assortment, hsca2, assorted styles goldtone snap clips, assortments vary per dozen. They are carded 2 per card. There are 12 cards per unit …
Snap clip assortment, hsca3a, assorted styles silvertone snap clips, assortments vary per dozen. 2 inch. They are carded 2 per card. There …
Hair snap clip, 9hsc1218, goldtone, with crystal and the word "hair", they come carded 2 per card, 24 cards per display, 1 display per unit. (You rece…
Hair snap clip, 9hsc915a, silvertone clip with silvertone cast letters spelling "Sexy" and rhinestone accent. 2 inch. They are carded 2 per…
Hair snap clip,hsc1214, goldtone clip with goldtone cast "I Love You" icon, 2 inch. They are carded 2 per card. There are 12 cards per display unit (y…
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